Of all the castles still in existence today, Loretello is the oldest. First documented in 1072 and built at the same time as the church of S. Andrea by the monks of Fonte Avellana, it was taken over by Rocca Contrada in the second half of the 1200s.
...The castle as we see it today dates to an expansion project undertaken in the late 1300s – early 1400s. The walls, the ravelins and the lovely triple-arched bridge are almost entirely intact. The most important structure, aside from the spectacular brick bridge (XV century), is the great round tower from the 1400s, with many of its arrow slits still visible.
Ufficio I.A.T.: Arcevia Corso Mazzini 22, tel. 07319127 (15 giugno – 30 settembre)
Municipio: Arcevia Piazza Garibaldi 67, tel. 07319899 (centralino)
Biblioteca / Centro culturale “San Francesco”: Arcevia Corso Mazzini 64, tel. 0731984561
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