La salsiccia matta di Senigallia che è un salume affumicato con carni miste bovine e suine affumicato a mano. Il salame di Frattule, tipico dei territori di Senigallia e Trecastelli ricavato dall’omonimo suino autoctono e poi la porchetta: un maialino disossato, speziato, arrotolato e cotto arrosto.
Nelle Marche un rito gastronomico importante legato alla tradizione contadina è rappresentato dalla “pista”, vale a dire dalla lavorazione e macellazione del maiale in ossequio al detto popolare secondo il quale “del maiale non si butta via niente”.
Nella tradizione contadina delle Marche i primi giorni dell’anno erano normalmente dedicati alla “pista”, il cui nome deriva probabilmente dal processo di pestaggio, compressione della carne degli insaccati.
La lavorazione delle carni di maiale e la preparazione degli insaccati danno origine ad una serie di prodotti, alcuni molto noti altri conosciuti soprattutto a livello locale.
A typical sausage produced exclusively in some butchers in the historic center of Senigallia is the wild sausage.
It seems it was already present in the nineteenth century as a tribute by local butchers to their customers to flavor the broth of Christmas lunch.
The salsiccia ” matta” ( where the term matta stands for different) is cured meat with mixed beef and pork smoked by hand.
The salami is prepared with a prevalence of 70% vaccinated meat with pork and Lardello of the same which is seasoned with salt, pepper and wine or cognac ( some also put spices) and then cooked in a special oven called “fornacella”, in refractory brick, fed exclusively by piobbico downy charcoal.
Tradition has it that the sausage is then boiled in Christmas broth with tortellini and served boiling cut into rounds along with the boiled meat.
In the territory of Val Mivola is raised a native pig called “Frattula pig”, from whose slaughter is obtained the homonymous salami, typical of the territories of Senigallia, Monterado, Corinaldo, Ripe, Castel Colonna, gathered in the Association “Terre di Frattula”.
The preparation of this sausage requires that they are used exclusively shoulder, trimmings of the ham, back, minced lean meat or meat, ham, La Rdello throat pieces and Lardello back to pieces.
The meat is carefully cleaned from the cartilage and fat parts, salted with sea salt, then peppercorns and red wine flavored with garlic and thyme serpillo or other vegetable spices are added. The dough is chopped with a large die and add the lards before proceeding to the filling, for which
it is used a gentle casing, washed and flavored with wine or solutions composed of water and anise, water
and wine vinegar or with cooked wine.
After having tied by hand the ends of the salami of Frattula with a string of vegetable fiber, put it to dry for one or two days and mature for a period of two to three months, depending on its weight and size.
This typicality of the Marche region is cylindrical, rough to the touch, of a more or less intense brown colour and is normally covered by a slight patina of greyish white mould. When cut, the slice appears of homogeneous and compact consistency, of medium-fine grain, of dark red colour, with white fat fragments evenly distributed in the fleshy mass.
Throughout the Val Mivola you can eat a pork particularly appreciated.
Typical preparation of central Italy the porchetta consists of a pork boned, spicy, rolled and cooked roast with the rind still intact.
The Marche variant is characterized by the intense use of wild fennel and for cooking in a wood oven.